Mikael Vest, Vinderstrategi A/S, is the author behind Denmark’s best selling book about strategy “Strategy in Winning Companies” (in Danish: “Strategi i vindervirksomheder”).
“Strategy in Winning Companies” is a unique collection of strategic considerations, which eases the job of tackling the strategic challenges that board of directors, executive management and top management faces when they lead their companies to winning positions.
“Strategy in Winning Companies” is both written for and concerns Danish companies.
The book is based on the target groups´ own world, being:
- Business leaders looking for inspiration, tools and overview for the strategic work
- Business consultants wanting to be better equipped for strategic discussions with the companies they work for
- Students in higher educations wishing to increase their knowledge in an comprehensive language based on a high theoretical level
The book is still the first and only Danish strategy book telling what it takes to be a Winning Company®.
The book can with out a doubt be recommended as a tool when working with professionalising the strategic work in Danish companies.
“Strategy in Winning Companies” sharpens the reader within the discipline of strategy and the term of “Winning Company®”.
The book gives an overview of the work with strategy in an easily read and structured way. It contributes to the company achieving a sustainable strategy development.
The book involves a number of concrete cases from the real business life, which all strive to becoming a Winning Company®.
Extract of recommendations:
“I am finding the book and especially the cases used extremely excellent.”
– CEO, Ole Steffensen, Olav W. Hansen A/S
“Strategy in Winning Companies is for me as an business lawyer and board member a very suitable tool.”
– Lawyer, Mogens Birkebæk, Abel & Skovgaard Larsen Advokatfirma
Get inspiration from the bestselling “Strategy in Winning Companies” together with 20.000 other top managers.
The book contains all essential and acknowledged theories and models regarding business strategies.
If the company is facing some of these challenges:
- How do we handle the competitors and increase the bottom line?
- How do we create a constant customer oriented development?
- How do we create loyal and satisfied customers?
- What is a core competence? – and what is our core competence?
- How do we create bigger value of our resources?
- How do we implement our strategy? – when will the strategy work?
then “Strategy in Winning Companies” can give inspiration, good advice and input for the strategic work.
It is possible to by “Strategy in Winning Companies” through our Danish webshop.
Interested? Please contact Vinderstrategi A/S.
Read references within strategy work.