
From theory to practice – services that works…

WinningcompanyCheck 2019-09-27T09:16:06+00:00

 VindervirksomhedsTjek identificerer Vindervirksomheder

WinningcompanyCheck is a winning company diagnostic tool which is an internet-based quantitative situational analysis designed to provide the company with an indication of whether it is making sufficient progress towards becoming a Winning Company®.

The diagnostic tool is an indication tool consisting of rankings of the company on 13 criteria. The result forms the foundation for a hypothesis about the strategy efforts ahead. The hypothesis consists partly of a “traffic light” and partly of a number of suggested strategic efforts. The diagnostic tool is based on the principles laid out in the book “Strategy in Winning Companies”, co-authored by Mikael Vest, Vinderstrategi A/S, and on practical experience accumulated by Vinderstrategi A/S.

The diagnostic tool can be completed by a single individual from the company or by several. We recommend that several people from the company complete the questionary, so that a nuanced image of the company’s strategy efforts can be generated.

The benefits to the company include:

  • An estimate of how close the company is to being a winning company
  • An indication of what kind of strategy efforts lies ahead
  • A number of suggestions for future strategy efforts
  • Background material for discussions of strategy within the company

Read references within strategy work.